The Utah Department of Cultural & Community Engagement recently commissioned a survey to better understand Utahns sentiments surrounding the Utah state flag and a potential redesign.

Survey: How do you see Utah?

The polling firm Y2 Analytics administered the survey to 777 residents. Data was weighted to reflect the demographics of the statewide population of Utah residents regarding age, gender, ethnicity, education and household income. (The margin of error is plus/minus 3.5 points.)

View the Full Survey Results
Utah Flag against the sunset.

Slot canyon in Utah with clear sky and vibrant earth. One man stands in the distance.
Couple lying in the grass smiling
Sun setting on a desert landscape where a young Navajo woman is learning to weave blankets

A Few Takeaways

  1. Nearly half of all Utahns are somewhat familiar with the Utah state flag, and at first response, the majority said it represents the state well. Yet most Utahns surveyed either don’t believe or are unsure that the flag represents them personally.
  2. About half of the respondents stated that they are proud of the Utah State flag, but only about 1/3 said they would wear the flag on clothing or as an accessory.
  3. When asked whether they would support or oppose redesigning the Utah State flag, 36 percent stated they would support a redesign, 35 percent opposed a redesign, and 29 percent said they neither support nor oppose.
  4. Respondents said the symbols that best represent Utah today:
    • the beehive
    • honey bee
    • skiing
    • mountains
    • red rock
    • Native American symbols
  5. The two most important aspects of the state, according to survey takers, are Utah’s history and culture.
  6. When asked what values and symbols Utah should be known for outside the state, respondents said:
    • honesty and integrity
    • the mountains
    • outdoors
    • education and economic opportunity
    • generosity
    • national parks
    • recreation