The More Than A Flag initiative invites ideas about our shared identity from Utahns throughout the state. We're excited to know what you think makes this place and our people distinctive. Thinking about the elements of a new flag gives us a chance to talk about what elements – in terms of colors and symbols – could represent all of us.
Send Us Your Flag Ideas
Please fill out this survey to help us understand your point of view. What themes or words represent Utah to ourselves — and how we explain our state to others. Draw a flag and upload it here, or send us words and themes that represent what you think should be on a new flag.

Design Submissions
Survey Submissions
The ideas, values, and symbols you provide here will be shared with a select group of designers in May. They will use this information to submit designs that reflect the feedback received.
Thank You, Utah, For Joining the ONGOING Conversation
Below is a map that pinpoints by zipcode where comments have been submitted from. The word cloud below displays the most common themes and symbols.


Flag Design Submissions